Technology (Digital Citizenship)

The Learning with Technology initiative at our school offers students the opportunity to personalize their learning with a personal electronic device. Our school is equipped and will provide accessible and portable digital ‘anytime-anywhere-any device’ high-speed wireless access to online learning resources. Computer labs, laptops, and library computers are available to students for equitable access to technology.

The teachers at our school will determine if their course requires the use of technology. Using the ‘right tool’ does not necessarily mean that all courses will automatically require personal electronic devices, laptops, smartphones, etc. By teaching students when it is appropriate to use technology, teachers will be preparing their students for post-secondary education and future careers. The role of technology is increasing; therefore we believe that it is important for individuals to learn when and where it is appropriate to use each device. The role of technology is to personalize student learning.

Incorporating ‘anytime-anywhere-any device’ technology helps students and teachers develop digital citizenship. We develop digital citizenship where we respect each other by developing a close relationship between students, parents, and staff. Staff will try to ensure that technology is being used effectively and appropriately. The Internet/Network Acceptable Use policy will be in effect for students. We do our best to filter content but expect responsible use. Parents must remember that they are responsible for their children’s conduct and lost and/or damaged equipment.

Digital Citizenship (Guide for Parents)


School Notice

School Closed for Summer

The school will be closed Thursday, June 27 to Wednesday, August 21, 2024. Office reopens Thursday August 22 and the first day of school starts on Tuesday, September 3.
Have a safe and relaxing summer